On occasion, for the first few days your tooth and gums may feel sensitive. In most instances this can be controlled with over the counter analgesics and/or prescriptions. If you feel severe pain or pressure call our office. We have a 24 hour answering service for emergencies. An unrestored treated tooth is susceptible to fracture. Do not chew with the treated tooth until there is a temporary crown. Please remember temporary fillings are not intended to last more than 3-4 weeks. Wearing a temporary filling for an extended period puts the treated tooth at risk not only for fracture but also it can become infected.
- Do not eat or drink for 1/2 hour to 45 minutes after each appointment. This allows the temporary filling material time to set.
- Do not chew with the treated tooth until it is restored by your dentist.
- Use warm salt water rinses (1tsp. Salt + 6-8oz. warm water) on the evening of the day of treatment.
- If you are given a prescription please take it as prescribed; eg. most antibiotics are taken 4 times per day – 6 hour intervals are best. ** SBE coverage for heart murmurs, artificial joints … may require pre-medication with antibiotics. Please ask the necessity for premedication with these conditions.
- If you can not bite, chew or put your teeth together after appointment, call our office immediately! You may require a minor bite adjustment. This will take approximately 5 minutes and should be done as soon as possible.
- For minor discomfort we recommend use of over-the-counter ADVIL or MOTRIN (if not allergic to aspirin). If you are unable to use aspirin products you may take TYLENOL. Use products in conjunction with warm salt water rinses.
- After the last appointment a permanent filling or crown is required. This must be done by your general dentist.
- If your tooth is not properly restored by your general dentist within a month, with a filling or crown the root canal and/or tooth may be ruined. This could result in losing the tooth through extraction or you paying the entire fee (again) to have the root canal re-done. The unrestored tooth is susceptible to fracture so PLEASE see your dentist ASAP.
- Treatment usually requires follow-up x-rays to monitor the healing progress. Please call for an appointment when you receive you recall reminder.